"I do not want to believe that I'm healthy, I want to know it."
Get certainty about your whole-body health status in only one day
We offer compact whole body check-ups and state-of-the art diagnostic imaging.
"I do not want to believe that I'm healthy, I want to know it."
Get certainty about your whole-body health status in only one day
Find out here why it is important to use the latest medical technology for prevention at an early stage - even before symptoms develop or a disease is diagnosed.
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We have asked our customers at the end of their check-up day, how they feel and what they will report to friends and colleagues about the check-up and about our institute.
We offer a full range of modern MRI and CT diagnostics, a high level of professional expertise and a modern ambience.
radprax offers a care-free-package. Our customers and patients get everything from one source...